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Philipp Hudson和Edgar Enuta谈论了z<s:1> hlke多样性冠军委员会的活动,并对其未来的计划提供了一些见解.

We spend much of our life at work, 所以不用说,我们希望在一个接受我们的环境中做这件事.
职场文化是由从公司价值观、正式政策到会议前的闲聊等方方面面组成的, and it plays a significant role in how comfortable we feel. For many, being accepted and understood by colleagues is taken for granted, but for those from minority or underrepresented backgrounds, it’s not always so simple. 这就是为什么我们有意识地关注多样性、公平和包容(DEI) initiatives across our business. We want to build inclusive teams that are welcoming to all.

我们将LGBTQ+员工的经历作为DEI重点考虑的因素之一. Founded in 2021, 我们的石墙多元化冠军委员会积极致力于传播意识,并围绕影响这个社区的问题做出改变. We recently spoke to two of its members, Phil Hudson(首席顾问和人员主管)和Edgar Enuta(软件工程师), 谈谈委员会目前的活动,并对其未来的计划有所了解.

Founding the Committee

菲尔解释说,在他和其他一些人注意到2020年大流行期间围绕个人身份的讨论有所增加之后,委员会的成立得到了催化. As people’s personal and professional lives overlapped, 谈论性别和性行为等话题越来越正常化——他和他的同事们希望保持这种积极的势头. At the same time, 我们在z hlke也致力于使工作场所更具包容性, 所以这是为LGBTQ+社区建立一个正式组织的理想时机.

The Committee was formed in partnership with Stonewall one of the world's biggest organisations standing for lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, questioning and ace (LGBTQ+) people. Over the last 30 years, they have helped create transformative change in the UK, and their work with employers is a big part of this. 菲尔是该委员会的创始成员之一,现在主要致力于撰写博客文章和提高认识. Edgar joined the team, and the business, more recently. 他是在收到一封招募志愿者的电子邮件后参与进来的,现在他的工作是内部沟通, 制定一份活动和内容的日程表,以便在一年中的相关时间进行主题对话.


Edgar explained, talking about the general aims of the group.

When asked about how this shows up more specifically, he and Phil shared examples of topical lunchtime talks, 以及十大网博靠谱平台微侵犯和歧视的小型研讨会, 与盟友和LGBTQ+人士分享经验. Edgar还提到了当前的一个项目,该项目建议更新公司政策,使其更具包容性, 删除在现有措词中无意包含的任何性别用语和假设.

The Current Focus

多元化冠军委员会的一个重要重点是它与石墙合作,提高z hlke的年度排名 Workplace Equality Index. As a part of this initiative, participating employers are assessed based on eight policy areas, validated through an anonymous survey. 这使参与者能够确定他们如何与所在部门或地区的其他人进行比较, and identify points for improvement. Importantly, 石墙与组织内的多元化冠军密切合作,以有意义的方式实施这一积极变化.

When asked about the value of the partnership with Stonewall, Phil pointed to the very real impact company policy and P&C practices have on people’s experiences with an employer. “These aren't things you think about every day, but when you are dealing with them, it’s usually for something important,” he noted. Edgar还强调了与第三方合作的价值.

“有些方面我们可能永远不会考虑,因为我们作为团队中的个人没有经历过,” he explained.

菲尔补充说,由于与石墙的合作,委员会现在正在考虑未来的一些倡议, including a company-wide LGBTQ+ policy, a formal LGBTQ+ Network for Zühlke Group, and specific support for trans employees.

Looking to the Future

Reflecting on the impact the Committee has made so far, Phil first pointed to some positive feedback from others. “We’ve had allies come forward to support us in what we’re doing, 感觉现在的环境肯定更包容了,” he said. 然而,菲尔和埃德加都很清楚,这仅仅是个开始. 作为一家在石墙排名中的公司,我们的表现仍需要持续关注, but the upward trend is heartening.

Speaking to more general goals for the future, 埃德加描述了他是如何确保z hlke也被视为业务之外的安全空间. 他分享了自己的入职经历,以及他澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台公司后所感受到的热情文化,这并不是他一开始就知道的. Phil builds on this with his final thought too.

“我希望我们能达到这样一个地步,人们可以和z hlke一起走过整个旅程,并且知道他们在每一步都得到了支持,” he concluded.

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